Friday, July 18, 2008

"so you want to start a new life. that's ok. go regain your independence and fly. a result so ugly, a process so beautiful. go and throw it all away and i'll be fine just as long as you don't say it unless you mean it, don't say you love me.

human love has got a shelf life; it gets stale. a born on date an expiration in time.

synchronize watches
set the alarm

as you leave i'll hold the door with a smile just as long as you don't say it unless you mean it, don't say you love me.

somebody told me that love falls like rain. sooner or later it comes back down again in a vicious way."

Jolene, as nobody can bear witness to our final week, maybe a song will do.

1:40 PM!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I've had to avoid a circle and a couple of dreams. I'm sorry and I will help. But I'm still moving forward. There's nothing to stop for.

1:33 AM!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I was just thinking if you can't get your job straight, why bother fantasizing about bonuses. I'm on to you.

1:16 PM!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Sometimes, in order to salvage what you love, you develop a strength to take down your own shield. I am no sexist, but you know when you say something right and your mother walks away but only in agreement?

Sometimes, you're born to hold a shield anyway and you know it's use. It's been nice to know I am bigger than my body.

11:10 AM!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

You guys know goddamn well what you planned. And look at how you ruined it. Better choose your words wisely. You don't wanna say goodbye to the thousands of dollars you've spent and most importantly those long years.

2:18 PM!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Damn you if you feel the same way. You made my neck prickle, how dare you!

Anyway.. Damn you, Raj, do not tempt me to re-start the band again. And damn you, Elffie, for bringing back After You and Table back into my life. I dunno how fucking long it's been since I heard those songs and you and Arron just had to bring it back. But, by the way, I really really loved it.. You see, it's even weird to say something so simple like that.. haha, but I guess right now after typing all that out, I really can't give a fuck.

In my heart, the only band I die to see living is B-Quartet. But deep down, really really deep down in the bowels of my very very old computer, lies all and I mean ALL the songs I've written for Page and only a damn handful has been played, let alone how little has been performed.

Yes, I do feel that justice has not been made to Page. God, I feel like a bitch! Fuck. But one of the happiest days in Page was when I was at a petrol station, and Elffie calls to play a song he just wrote. Even through the phone and all the noisy crap on the road outside, the melody really just shone. I was like, "God, man! When are we doing this?!"

But we never did.

If you were in my shoes, you'd feel like Charlie Brown.

Thanks, Linus.

11:10 AM!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I think I'm out of school.

I'm slow.

I tend to do things before I think them through.

I do things for me, not for you.

I do not judge you, so keep your judgement to youself.

I like being quiet.

I enjoy listening to people talk so I know not to be an asshole like them.

I do everything for a reason. Everything. But mostly for the reasons I can't think of.

I have an unbelievably strong desire for my band to make it.

I will NOT do just ANYTHING to get what I want. First and foremost, I do not want other people dying.

"I submit to you that if a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."

I am willing to die. Just not that prepared.

I am powered by temptation most of the time.

But mostly I'm powered by laziness and selfishness.

11:32 PM!